Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Musical Inspiration

July was "Music Month" in the Chancey household. With a surprising month-long break from weddings, Caleb's been dedicating a lot of his time on a special project. That's right, his album is officially under way.

Before this month, I felt as though I was in a musical drought. But with this new venture, we've become really excited about music again!

So here's a small dose of what we've been listening to...

Arcade Fire- "The Suburbs"
the suburbs

Local Natives- "Gorilla Manor"
gorilla manor

Keegan Dewitt- "Nothing Shows"
nothing shows
I love free music, and Keegan Dewitt loves to give free music. So go. Partake in his music.

Jon Black- "The Wrecking Ball"
wrecking ball
Jon is just the coolest. Go to his website and you'll see he's just giving away music for people to enjoy! Also, he's having free concerts at the Bottletree on Tuesdays for two more weeks. We'll be there, so you should join us!

and finally, my personal favorite, Hauschka- "Ferndorf"
Funny name for an album, but absolutely exquisite cello and piano ensemble.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really thankful for this post. I was just thinking that I need some new music in my life. I'll check these out.

